I wasn't going to watch the debate last night, but I ended up seeing it with a group of friends. I cannot watch these things alone, I get too infuriated. And last night was no exception. Overall, I thought that Obama kept his composure and, even when McCain really could have put him on the defensive, he brought it back to the issues. McCain was grasping for whatever last breaths of air he could get.
Now, I may be biased, but here is an overview of the debate from my perspective:
Issue: Campaign Attacks
McCain: You hurt my feelings, why didn't you call me so we could do a town hall?
Obama: Look at the polls, people seem to think my campaign is less negative and focuses on the issues.
McCain: You didn't defend Palin/me when whats-his-face said [true] things about the people that attend my rallies. (ie. chanting 'kill him')
Obama: Yes I did...I don't agree with your views on healthcare...economy...yada...yada
McCain: My supporters are great...vets...patriots...Joe the Plumber...
Obama: They call me a terrorist and and want to kill me.
McCain: Aren't you a terrorist? You're buddies with Ayers and involved with ACORN. Ha! Gotcha!
Obama: Here's the truth about those things and you have no point. *Smile*
Issue: Health Care
Obama: Here's my plan to make sure everyone gets coverage.
McCain: That costs too much money, let's just give everyone $5,000 for health care!
Obama: But that's not dealing with the underlying issue with our system.
McCain: Socialist! Don't vote for this commie!
Issue: Which programs would you cut during financial hardtimes?
McCain: An across the board spending freeze - that's the hatchet and I would get out a scalpel...look I know how to cut programs.
Moderator: Could you be more specific?
McCain: Pork-barrel earmark projects. We'll cut the pork, that's why I have a hatchet...Joe the Plumber!
Issue: V.P. as Pres should something happen to you
Obama: Joe Biden's great! Look at his record.
McCain: (Oh Shit!) Uh...energy independence...Joe sixpack...isn't she adorable!
Issue: Bias in picking a Supreme Court judge (excellent question!)
McCain: I am unbiased in picking judges, but abortion is wrong! Obama is pro-abortion!
Obama: I will pick a judge that is intelligent, experienced, and who recognizes a woman's constitutional right to privacy. I support Roe v. Wade and feel that the decision is between the woman and her doctor (DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!)
McCain: Obama voted to kill infants!
Obama: No, I just didn't support a bill in Illinois that would have compromised Roe v. Wade, there is already a law in Illinois that doctors must resuscitate an infant, not to mention the Hippocratic oath.
McCain: You're a Pro-abortion extremist! You want to kill all babies!
Obama: First of all, no one is pro-abortion. I am pro-choice.
McCain: Don't fall for his fancy words, America!
Obama: Look, there are good, intelligent people on both sides of this debate. We have common ground here...prevention of unwanted pregnancies, support for single moms, options for adoption. (Can I get an amen!)
McCain: (Air quotes) "Health of the mother"? You want to kill all babies...
McCain was certainly trying to paint Obama as an extremist, left-wing, baby-killing, commie terrorist. And he was unapologetic for it too. This debate made me lose any respect that I had left for McCain, as he tried to play into the unsubstantiated fears of many people in this country. I just hope that a lot of other people recognized this in him too and don't vote for him.
JD Vance thinks bullet proof glass will abortion proof our vaginas
Margaret, that little Vance kid just doesn’t get it. When asked about
abortion rights he said, “I want us to make it easier for moms to afford to
have babi...
4 months ago
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