Thursday, November 6, 2008

Celebrating Obama in NYC

The energy on election night was vibrant in NYC. I thought I'd share some videos of the city-wide celebration.

These people went to several of the same places I went to that night (even including getting free Ben & Jerry's).

Here you can see the celebration in Harlem

In Brooklyn

And they said the youth of this country were apathetic...

People from all over NYC called into WNYC to talk about the celebrations in their neighborhoods.

What night to be in NYC! I would love to hear stories of how it felt to be in other cities, please do share.


Awesome K said...

My only regret for the night is that we just missed the star spangled banner singing, that looked amazing and almost made me cry a little

The Road Less Traveled said...

I know! We were too busy getting our grooves on.