Friday, August 29, 2008

A few things about Obama's acceptance speech

I had the opportunity to watch Obama's acceptance speech at the DNC in the company of a packed bar in Brooklyn last night. I was very excited about it, especially about being surrounded by so many supporters who were enthused about this turning point in our country's history. I thought this would be such a historic moment that would give me chills. I have to say though, I was a little let down. Although I still very much support Obama and what he stands for, there were a few things about his speech that got to me:

  1. He made promises that he, nor anyone, can live up to. Okay, I'll give you that all politicans have somewhat grandiose ideas that never end up being accomplished when they get into office, but isn't this what Obama is telling us we don't need in Washington. Yes, I think that we should work toward renewable and domestic fuel sources, yes we should improve the education system, and yes we need better healthcare. Independence from foreign oil in 10 years, top notch education during his term, etc, etc, just what we want to hear! Realistic? Not so much. What's the problem with idealism, you ask? There's nothing wrong with striving toward these ends but making these unrealistic promises seems to make him a little less credible.

  2. He attacked McCain a lot. Yes, elections are dirty and candidates boost up their own images by putting their opponents down. But, again, isn't this what Obama wants to change? On the one hand, it's nice to actually hear a Democrat take a stand on things for once and not dance around issues. And he's tapped into the common disappointment of the past 8 years. On the other hand though, I'm sick of candidates dogging each other. And he did it in kind of a sleazy, passive-aggressive way.

  3. The common chant of "yes we can" sounds a little too militaristic for my taste. I cannot help it, I know it's a positive chant. But really, just listen when you hear it, it's a little scary.

  4. His talk of being for the people and not fortune 500 companies when so many companies put millions of dollars into the convention and were listening, live, to this very same speech. (Including a certain pharmacaeutical co...) No doubt they had a significant presence at the DNC.

Of course, there were great things about his speech. The fact that he actually listens to the American people and is in touch with the issues (he spoke very well about the middle class, jobs and Katrina) is inspiring and propells him far past McCain in my book. Due to the past 8 years under the current administration, the prospect of change reaches to so many people. We're sick of not being seen or heard, of an administration that doesn't care about anybody but wealthy CEOs and industry. So, although he did get a little snippy toward Bush and McCain, I could appreciate the stance he took against what we've been experiencing the past 8 years.

I have high hopes for Obama. I am putting my support behind him as a candidate because his campaign of hope and inspiration is not lost on us. Call it what you want, but isn't it obvious that millions of people are inspired by his words and are through with the political callousness of the past. They're not shallow words. People are sick of heartless politics, we want someone who can lead with his heart. I liked the song that Sheryl Crow performed last night "Out of Our Heads"

If we could only get out of our heads, out of our heads And into our

She apparently adapted this from one of the Dalai Lama's speeches. No wonder why it's so Buddhist in nature.

BTW - I couldn't help but use the image with the shamrocks. Irish for Obama! He he.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Yes, agreed. While the speech finally convinced me to jump on the Obama/Biden bandwagon (I'm not quite a PUMA, but Hillary's my girl), there were some moments that disappointed me a bit.

The second after he said "reduce our dependence on foreign oil in 10 years" I immediately said BULLSHIT. C'mon...that's so not going to happen, no matter who's in office.

On a less serious note...I can't seem to get "City of Blinding Lights" out of my head lately!