Friday, July 31, 2009

More on Health Care Reform

Here are a small collection of health care reform news and opinions in the media this week:

Paul Krugman explains that the government is already involved in our health care.

continue to resist any form of national health insurance.

Is national health insurance really so Un-American?

Yahoo Finance tells us what freedoms we will lose with single-payer health insurance.

The best solution is to move to a let-freedom-ring regime of high deductibles, no community rating, no standard benefits, and cross-state shopping for bargains... [Seriously?]

American Health Care Reform from a British perspective.

Ads...warn of the dangers of 'socialised medicine' - the most riveting of them carry warnings from Britain and Canada about the dire consequences which will follow if the United States copies their government-funded systems...You would almost get the impression that the streets of those countries are piled high with the unburied dead...

CNN wraps up health care reform in a nutshell. That's it, we're done. We've been educated.

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