Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I've been tagged! It's okay, it doesn't hurt

Samantha Grace has lovingly tagged me to tell you all some things about me. Thanks SG!

Eight things you didn’t know about me:
  1. I have a cat, she’s sassy. Her name is Audrey and she doesn’t like you (don’t take it personally).
  2. I like food. I have an entire blog dedicated to food.
  3. I love wine! It is an emerging passion of mine. My mother once called me a winer, I think she meant wino. Maybe she was trying to be nice.
  4. I have 2 masters degrees, neither are in opening doors, ballet, or neuroscience. Please do not ask me to do anything or criticize my abilities in these areas. I do have degrees, however, in thinking critically and changing the world, especially in terms of healthcare. Also, I have an innate ability to breakdance fight (no degree required), that will not only leave you taken aback, but will change your whole concept of the world.
  5. When I got my first masters degree I made all of my loved ones call me Master Irish. If you have a doctorate, people call you a doctor…it just makes sense.
  6. I think health care is a human right, not a commodity. I am astounded that so many people in this country, and around the world, do not have full access to essential health care. (Perhaps you’ve been able to detect this in my blogging)
  7. I have been regularly practicing Zen Buddhist meditation for about 2 years now. Every so often I get to be doan (timekeeper – I ring bells and clack sticks) at my neighborhood zen center.
  8. I sing, but I will not sing for you. I am very self-conscious about my voice. I’m sitting with it…


Awesome K said...

and you took the "Master" bedroom at our old apartment because you had a Masters degree

The Road Less Traveled said...

Masters degree...master bedroom, it just makes sense (or at least it did to me at the time).